issue to get Stream prices using Refinitiv Data Library under C# when ric lists contain Null ric

Dear developer community

i rise a problem i faced today when using Refinitiv Data Library to get Stream prices (Desktop and Platform version) under C#.

indeed, when ric list submitted to get stream prices contain Null Rics, there is no response when the open methode is applied and the script crash.

below an example to produce the issue

the 1st one with 3 rics works fine, but the 2nd one with 3 rics including a null one, doesn't work and crash.



many thanks for your help.


  • Hi @anass.yazane.1 ,

    Thank you for posting the question in
    this forum. I've raised the ticket number 12455304 on your behalf through Refinitiv Helpdesk, which can be reached via MyRefinitiv and the support team is going to contact you directly to investigate and assist with

    Hope this helps and please let me
    know in case you have any further questions.

  • Hi @anass.yazane.1

    Can you confirm which version of the Refinitiv NuGet library you are using? The latest version is 1.0.0-beta4.

    In general, the library will pass through the requested item name(s) directly to the backend service which will handle proper validation. The library typically does not override validation before the request is sent down, but instead relies on the backend. This is generally done across all services.

    In my first test against the platform session, when I performed the exact request you did, the request works and a status message is sent back from the server indicating the request Key did not contain a name.

    "ID": 2,
    "Type": "Status",
    "Key": {
    "Service": "ELEKTRON_DD"
    "State": {
    "Stream": "Closed",
    "Data": "Suspect",
    "Code": "AlreadyOpen",
    "Text": "Request Rejected: Request key did not contain name."

    However, when I test against a 'desktop' session, the request does not complete because the backend service did not provide the expected 'Status' message. As a result, the call to GetStream() does not return/complete. In addition, I did not receive any Exception nor did the application crash.

    If you are using the latest version of the NuGet package, can you confirm the Platform session reacts the same as the Desktop session - it is not for me. And also provide more details around the crash, i.e. Exception details.

  • dear @nick.zincone

    i use the latest version of nuget pakage (beta4), and i can confirm that i'm facing the same issue using platform session.


  • Hi @anass.yazane.1

    Could you please provide the information required by Nick for further investigation?
