Total return for the same day


in Eikon API, how can I retrieve the total return for a stock on the same day, the current trading session? The data items TR.TotalReturn and TR.TotalReturn1D show the total returns for the previous trading day, not the same day.


Best Answer

  • u42
    Answer ✓

    The helpdesk confirmed that there is no data item that shows the total return for the same day trading session, only for the last completed one.

    If anyone knows which data items to use to calculate the same day total return using the same day dividends and splits, please post. Thank you


  • Hi @u42 ,

    Thank you for participating in the forum. However, the
    moderators on this forum do not have deep expertise in every type of content
    available through Refinitiv products. Such expertise is available through
    Refinitiv Helpdesk. If the Helpdesk can show you how to retrieve it using =@TR formula in Eikon Excel, then the moderators on this
    forum can help you translate it into get_data method
    in Eikon Data API call. Refinitiv Helpdesk can be reached via MyRefinitiv and you may request from
    them what you would like to get.

    Hope this helps and please let me know in case you have any further questions.

  • Thank you for your reply. I was directed to this forum by Refinitiv Helpdesk after asking this question there. I'll try asking them again, in Eikon Excel context.