Offstream - Ack received even if the RIC does not exist


when we try to post on an unavailalbe RIC, first we receive Nack and then Ack. I supsect something related to the cache. how can we fix that to receive a Nack on every try. Were using Websocket API with Python

Please find the sequence of message used to reproduce the issue.

• 1st try to update a DUMMY_RIC

SENT: { "Ack":true, "ID":1,"Key":{"Name":"DUMMY_RIC", "Service":"PRICE_CONTRI_UAT" }, "Message":{ "Fields":{ "GV1_DATE":"2023-03-24" }, "ID":0, "Type":"Update" }, "PostID":0, "PostUserInfo":{ "Address":"", "UserID":13140 }, "Type":"Post" }

A NakCode “SymbolUnknown” Received

RECEIVED: [ { "AckID":0, "ID":1, "Key":{ "Name":"DUMMY_RIC", "Service":"PRICE_CONTRI_UAT" }, "NakCode":"SymbolUnknown", "Text":"Symbol unknown", "Type":"Ack" } ]

• 2nd re-try to update a DUMMY_RIC

SENT: { "Ack":true, "ID":1, "Key":{ "Name":"DUMMY_RIC", "Service":"PRICE_CONTRI_UAT" }, "Message":{ "Fields":{ "GV1_DATE":"2023-03-24" }, "ID":0, "Type":"Update" }, "PostID":0, "PostUserInfo":{ "Address":"", "UserID":17560 }, "Type":"Post" }

A NakCode “DeniedBySrc” Received

RECEIVED: [ { "AckID":0, "ID":1, "Key":{ "Name":"DUMMY_RIC", "Service":"PRICE_CONTRI_UAT" }, "NakCode":"DeniedBySrc", "Text":"RIC has been disabled", "Type":"Ack" } ]

• 3rd re-try to update a DUMMY_RIC

SENT: { "Ack":true, "ID":1, "Key":{ "Name":"DUMMY_RIC", "Service":"PRICE_CONTRI_UAT" }, "Message":{ "Fields":{ "GV1_DATE":"2023-03-24" }, "ID":0, "Type":"Update" }, "PostID":0, "PostUserInfo":{ "Address":"", "UserID":6992 }, "Type":"Post" }

An Ack received

RECEIVED: [ { "AckID":0, "ID":1, "Key":{ "Name":"DUMMY_RIC", "Service":"PRICE_CONTRI_UAT" }, "Type":"Ack" } ]

Our issue is why we received an Ack for a dummy RIC instead of "NakCode":"SymbolUnknown" like the 1st tentative

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    According to the description, it could be an issue on the server side (RCC). I assume that you are contributing data to RCC via WebSocket. The server may have a feature to create unknown RICs from post messages.

    I found that you have submitted the case to the product team to verify what the problem is. Please wait for the response from the product team.

    For now, I believe that it is not a problem in the WebSocket API. The post messages look correct.

    I hope that this information is of help.