
EMAとRefinitiv Real-Time SDKのWindowsServer2022への対応について

⇒EMA(最新バージョン3.6.8.L1.win)ならびにRefinitiv Real-Time SDK(最新バージョン2.0.8.L1)は現状ではWindows Server2022未対応と認識しています。OSの保守性を考慮すると、WindowsServer2022の選択を視野に入れたく考えており、WindowsServer2022への対応ロードマップをお知らせいただけますでしょうか。具体的には以下を確認願います。

- WindowsServer2022にはいつ対応されるか(そもそも対応が予定されているか)をご教示下さい。

- 対応予定の場合、対応される際のバージョン番号とそのリリース時期をご教示下さい。

・EMAとRefinitiv Real-Time SDKのライブラリ名等の変更情報のご提供依頼

⇒ 貴社営業ご担当から”ブランドが『thomsonreuters』->『refinitiv』へと変更され、APIの内容も新ブランドにあわせてライブラリ名等の変更を行っている” とのご回答をいただいております。ライブラリ名等に関する旧新の変更点が分かるような技術資料・情報についてご連携いただけますでしょうか。また、『APIの内容も新ブランドにあわせてライブラリ名等の変更』については、機能として変更はない認識で良いでしょうか。(機能の変更がある場合は、対象機能と各機能の変更の具体的な内容(例示ではなく、変更内容の全量)をご教示下さい。)


⇒EMA(3.6.8.L1.win)、Refinitiv Real-Time SDK(2.0.8.L1)について、メーカーサポート終了日(EOSL)をご教示下さい。EOSLが特に定められていない場合は、サポートライフサイクルポリシー(最新バージョンリリース後、n年経過でサポートアウトするなど)をご教示下さい。

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @ayumu.fujimoto san

    Sorry for the late reply. Please see the answer from the RTSDK product team below:

    Windows Server 2022 supports

    There are no plans to add support for Windows Server 2022 this year.

    In the meantime, you can submit an enhancement request to the product team via the https://my.refinitiv.com/content/mytr/en/feedback.html page.

    About EOSL date of EMA and SDK

    At this point, there is no rolling obsolescence for APIs. The API versions below and later are fully supported versions

    • RTSDK C/C++ - 2.0.0.L1 - Linux, Windows (ETA/EMA 3.6.0.L1)

    • RTSDK Java - 2.0.0.L1 – Java (ETA/EMA 3.6.0.L1 - Java

    I hope this helps.


  • Hello @ayumu.fujimoto

    Thank you for reaching out to us. Please see my answers below.

    Windows Server 2022 supports

    I am checking with the RTSDK team. I will get back to you as soon as I receive any information from the team.

    API/SDK Rebranding

    Starting with version RTSDK 2.0.0.L1 (same as EMA/ETA 3.6.0.L1), there are namespace changes and library name changes. Please note that all interfaces remain the same as prior releases of RTSDK and Elektron SDK and will remain fully wire compatible.

    • Note: no changes in terms of functionality regarding the changes to API contents and library names

    Please check the REBRAND.md file (also available in the SDK package) and PCN-12072 for more detail about the impact on existing applications and how to quickly adapt to the re-branded libraries.

    About EOSL date of EMA and SDK

    There is no plan to EOL the EMA 3.6.8.L1 (RTSDK 2.0.8) yet. However, I am checking with the RTSDK team about the support lifecycle.

  • Hi @wasin.w san

    Thank you for your reply.

    I'm looking forward to your update about my first questions.

    Btw, by receiving your answer,

    I have further 2 questions.

    Sorry to say, could you please confirm and answer to them?

    [Additional quesiton1]

    Currently, we have The source code which is programmed with "Electron SDK-C/C++-1.0.7 (EMA3.0.5.18)" on our environment.

    Would the use of the "Rebranding" document complete the modification?

    If missing, please provide technical information and documentation additionally.

    [Additional quesiton2]

    We are looking for release notes from "SDK-C/C++-1.0.7(EMA3.0.5.18)" to "SDK-C/C++-1.2.0.L1(EMA3)".

    But we can't find it.

    Please tell me the difference information (new features, bug fixes, deleted function) if possible.

    Thanks and regards,

  • Hello @ayumu.fujimoto

    I am still waiting for the information from the RTSDK team. I will get back to you as soon as I receive any information from them.

    Please see the answers to the additional questions below.

    Question 1: Currently, we have The source code which is programmed with "Electron SDK-C/C++-1.0.7 (EMA3.0.5.18)" on our environment. Would the use of the "Rebranding" document complete the modification? If missing, please provide technical information and documentation additionally.

    Answer: Yes, the content in the REBRAND.md file covers the changes' impact on the RTSDK customer. For the EMA C++ API, the impacts are as follows:



    • Note: The rebranding does not impact the connectivity, data, and functionalities of the API.

    Question 2: We are looking for release notes from "SDK-C/C++-1.0.7(EMA3.0.5.18)" to "SDK-C/C++-1.2.0.L1(EMA3)" but we can't find it. Please tell me the different information (new features, bug fixes, deleted function) if possible.

    Answer: Unfortunately, the oldest change log file is available since the RTSDK version 1.3.0 (EMA You can get the file from RTSDK 1.3.0 Changelog.md file link.

    • Note: You can find the latest change log file from GitHub and the SDK package too.

    I hope this helps.

  • Hi@"wasin.w" san

    I apologize for delay reply.

    (Thank you for introducing feedback form, we are going to discuss about this.)

    As a summary, I have understood that current support policy is following.

    If my understanding is incorrect, please point out.


    In this year(by2023/12/31),

    there is no plan for supporting the Windows Server 2022.


    If we hope refinitiv to support Windows Server 2022 officially,

    we can submit the enhance request.

    (Sorry to say, are there any plans to support in 2024?)

    Kind regards,

  • Hello @ayumu.fujimoto san

    Summary 1: In this year(by 2023/12/31), there is no plan for supporting the Windows Server 2022.

    Answer: Yes, you are right.

    Summary 2: If we hope Refinitiv to support Windows Server 2022 officially, we can submit the enhanced request.

    Answer: That's right. You can submit the enhancement request via the following pages:

  • Hi @wasin.w san

    Thank you for your response.

    Sorry to say again,

    Are there any determined plan to support Windows Server2022

    by current the newest version or next version?

    Thanks and regards,

  • Hello @ayumu.fujimoto san

    Thank you for reaching out to me. I am contacting the RTSDK product team and I will get back to you.

  • Hello @ayumu.fujimoto san

    I got an update from the RTSDK product team. The team confirms we have a plan to support Windows Server 2022. However, we do not have an exact release schedule yet, but most definitely be in 2024.

    I hope this information answers your questions.