SSIS use Json post web Service failed issuue


if someone knows SSIS, can help me on this:
I need to use ssis for getting response from refinitive, so these are steps which I did
In SSIS I use "ZS JSON Source (REST API or File)"


for body(request) i used same as tutorial one:

for credentials one RefinitivConnection is as below:

web url:
credentials type: Basic user/Password

so we faced this error:

imagesome people mentioned remove space, but still dont work.

could u help me which part I need to change.
actually once I got answer, but it did not save. so now I dont know what I changed


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    If you directly copy and paste the sample request message from the tutorial, you will get the following error because the copied message will contain invalid newline characters.

        "error": {
            "message": "Malformed request payload: Syntax error at Line 3, Char 1: expected '}' "

    You need to use the Copy button in the code block.


    Then, paste it into your application. The request message should work by using this method.

    I hope that this information is of help.


  • Hi Jirapongse

    I did use copy button, and this was the result after using this button.

    this seems issue for config or something, which need ssis knowledge.
