How to know whether a security is delisted?


I want to know if there is any way to identify delisted securities from a list of assets using Eikon API in python.

Please note the requirement is on an ongoing basis so the ticker may not have the "^" symbol in the ric.

For eg. the old ticker for DLMRX is LP40119698 which got delisted in March 2023. Is there a way to find this out using the old ticker (LP40119698)?

Best Answer

  • aramyan.h
    Answer ✓

    Hi @BlackBird ,

    Thank you for question. I am not aware of a direct way of identifying what you have requested, however using Eikon symbology with a * symbol returns the exact expired RIC. Please see below:

    ek.get_symbology(['LP40119698*', 'DLMRX*'])


    Please let me know If this was any useful. Perhaps if you provide the list of some of the assets you are after, I may be able to form a better query using Search capabilities of our latest RD Libraries.

    Best regards,
