Get correct 'BIDPRICE' data of some commodities


We have collected 'ASK price' and 'BID price' data of 6 commodities, which are CU, PB, ZN, SN, AL, and NI.

We have called the data by using APIs and stacked them daily. There was no problem in collecting the data until 20, March 2023.

But from then, the ASK/BID PRICE of 6 commodities has been called and stored incorrectly. The values are the same as '--9999401.0'.

We don't know what the problem is and how to fix it.

Is there any help in solving this problem and collecting the correct data for 6 commodities?

Please help us! We attach the log file of the results.

Best Answer

  • raksina.samasiri
    Answer ✓

    Hi @H_U ,

    Have you had a chance to look into this thread yet? Here's the answer provided there

    I am able to replicate the same value, -9999401. If I uncheck the "Return Null Code Values in Extraction Pricing Fields" in the User Preferences, the "Universal Close Price" field will return null instead

    For more detail regarding the content and product setting, please directly contact the DSS support team via MyRefinitiv. In the product field, select "Refinitiv DataScope Select"