Parallel request for RKD API

Hi there,

Client is extracting Ratios Report from RKD API and they can only make request for 1 company at the time.

They would like to understand if they can make parallel request to fetch the ratios data in a loop and if we have sample JSON for that?

Thank you

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @changyao.yeo

    I checked the RKD Fundamentals service on the RKD API Product page. All operations of the Fundamentals service including GetRatiosReports_1 support only a single companyId per 1 request.


    We do not have a sample JSON for parallel requests. However, the client can send an HTTP request message multiple times to RKD to request various companies' Ratios data.

    I hope this helps.