Priority in the subscription of RIC

I wanted to see if it is possible to establish the priority in the RIC subscription using the RFA8 library?

It is possible to use the following function of the ThomsonReuters.RFA.Message.ReqMsg class and what is it for?

public void SetPriority(byte priorityClass, ushort priorityCount);

I ask if you can give me an example.

Thank you so much.

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    A consumer uses OMMPriority to notify the provider of the preferred execution of the preemption algorithm. If more items are requested than the provider allows, either the new stream is closed or an existing stream is preempted. The provider should make the decision based on the priority of the streams. The stream with the lowest priority should be preempted. The OMMPriority object contains the following elements:

    • priorityClass: This element defines the importance of the stream. The highest priority indicates higher importance. The values can be from 0 to 10. A value of 0 indicates that the stream is open on consumer application, but is not watched (i.e., can be paused).
    • Count: This element identifies how many users are using this stream. A greater count means greater priority, however, this parameter compares within the same priorityClass. The PriorityClass takes precedence over the count.

    For example, the Refinitiv Real-Time Advanced Data Hub uses the combination of priorityCount and priorityClass to preempt items when the user’s allowable cache list size is exceeded. Refinitiv Real-Time Advanced Data Hub always preempts the item with the lowest priorityCount within the priorityClass and then provides an RsslStatusMsg with a streamState of RSSL_STREAM_CLOSED_RECOVER for the item.

    I hope that this information is of help.