Seasonally adjustment fields in Search Light


In the result of the next searchlight query

"View": "SearchAllLight",
"Filter": "RIC eq 'USNFAR=ECI'",
"Select": "_debugalllight"

I have 3 fields that contain seasonal adjustment information:

"SeriesDescription": "United States, Employment, Overall, Nonfarm payroll, total, SA, Absolute change",
"SeasonallyAdjusted": false,
"IsSeasAdj": true,

What is the difference between "SeasonallyAdjusted" and "IsSeasAdj" fields?

Best Answer

  • Hi @bmirzai

    Unfortunately, the moderators of this site are not content specialists. I would recommend you contact the helpdesk and raise your content-based question. They will bring in a content specialist who can help.