Issue to retrieve some fields using RefinitivData under C#

dear Developer community

i'm facing issue to retrieve some fields using Refinitv data library under .Net.

indeed, as shown below i'm not able to retrieve fields like 'TR.FiIssueDate', 'TR.TD.MaturityDate' for Bonds (request done by ISIN and also by ric) using FundamentalAndReference service.

when i use the same library under Python i don't face such issue.

many thanks for your assistance


the response received as follow


Best Answer

  • Hi @anass.yazane.1

    The library has been updated to work with the resources available via a Desktop session and will be available in the next release of the library. Using your example:

    var response = FundamentalAndReference.Definition().Universe("USG1644CAA48")
    .Fields("TR.RIC", "TR.FiIssueDate",



  • dear @nick.zincone

    thank you for your prompt and quick answer.

    can you tell me when the next release will be published, and also where can i find the adjustements made in this next release compared to the last one.


  • Hi @anass.yazane.1

    We're looking to release a package later this quarter. In terms of release notes, they still need to be finalized. But to give you an idea of what will be in the release:

    • Added support for new OAuth version 2 (Client Credentials) authentication
    • Fixed URL endpoint mapping issue on Unix/Linux-based systems
    • Added configuration discovery based on the HOME environment variable for Unix/Linux-based systems
    • Apply escaped representation of string values applied to any GET endpoint request within the PATH parameter
    • Resolved directory issue locating desktop .portInUse file within MacOS/Linux-based environments
    • Added new TimeSeries (TS) capabilities to the Historical Pricing service to request for streaming TimeSeries bars based on the request frequencies including: Events, Intraday and Interday intervals (Desktop session)
    • Updated Historical Pricing Summaries.Sessions to HistoricalPricing.Sessions. The property is now available for Intraday, events and single-events interfaces.
    • Fixed issue when specifying 'EventTypes', 'Adjustments' or 'Sessions' for Historical Events requesting for multiple instruments
    • Fixed issue when specifying 'Adjustments' or 'Sessions' for Historical Interday Summaries requesting for multiple instruments
    • Provided configuration options to control the differences within RDP news story services available within the desktop vs the platform implementation
    • Updated DataTable data type properties for each defined cell to respect the native data types returned by the backend service.
  • dear @nick.zincone

    thank you for your feedback regarding points/corrections supposed to be in the next release.

    However, is it possible to include points below:

    - for some fields (currency, trading status....) desktop session return enum values rather string value (GBp:2008) which need mapping to manage the response value. But with PlatformSession we have the accurate and suitable response with string rather than enum values as shown below.

    is it possible to align desktop session to the current platform behavior.


    Responde difference between Desktop and PlatformSession for enum type fields

    - Princig function: to extract data/stremdata, we are only able to extract field value using their name, but not based on their Id (as it's the case in Excel shown below)


    TR Function under Excel is able to extract data using Fields Id, Name

    - Finally, regarding perfomance, i observe that FundamentalAndReference function has as performance issue, compared to others function (ex for the query below it takes more than 8 secondes).

    var response_Fundamental = FundamentalAndReference.Definition().Universe("XS2434797036")

    .Fields("TR.RIC", "TR.FiIssueDate", "TR.InstrumentDescription", "TR.TD.MaturityDate", "TR.PreferredRIC", "TR.TD.PreferredRIC").GetData();

    many thanks for your answer and your help
  • Hi @anass.yazane.1

    Thanks for the feedback and suggestions. In all cases, the issues/design are related to the backend services. We currently do not have plans to create workaround solutions within the library, however, there may be plans to address some of these solutions within the backend. Regarding performance, we can bring your feedback to the server team.