Missing scopes: [trapi.streaming.pricing.read]

I'm running the Refinitiv API .Net example streaming snapshot as below,


During running it, I'm getting

"message": "access denied. Scopes required to access the resource: [trapi.streaming.trading-analytics.tds.stream.redi]. Missing scopes: [trapi.streaming.trading-analytics.tds.stream.redi]"

"message": "access denied. Scopes required to access the resource: [trapi.streaming.pricing.read]. Missing scopes: [trapi.streaming.pricing.read]",

"message": "access denied. Scopes required to access the resource: [trapi.data.benchmark.bmk_read]. Missing scopes: [trapi.data.benchmark.bmk_read]",


In this case, I'm supposed to talk to my account manager, correct?

when I spoke to her, she seemed to have no idea what I'm talking about.

Best Answer

  • nick.zincone
    Answer ✓

    Hi @sou_u

    Looking at the output you provided, you do not have a license for market data streaming services on RDP. What I would suggest is to confirm what kind of license you have. You mention Eikon but are trying to retrieve data directly from RDP. Just to clarify, when you get a license for data via the desktop (Eikon or Refinitiv Workspace), you will have to ensure you are trying to access data via a desktop session, not a platform (RDP) session. If you are unsure how to do this, I would suggest you review the learning material on the Developer Community.

    If you do in fact have an RDP license and are trying to access streaming market data, you will need to reach out to your account manager and discuss your requirements.

    Hope this helps.


  • Hi @sou_u ,

    The logs you are showing are startup warning logs that are not necessarily relevant to what you are requesting. What output are you getting in the console window when you run? Can you provide an image of the entire console output?

    What product(s) are you licensed for? Are you trying to access data from RDP? Or do you have a desktop license? Your account manager won’t necessarily know anything about the output you are providing, unless you explain the data you are trying to capture. Perhaps you can ask them that you are trying to get streaming market data (based on the example you referenced above) and whether streaming market data services are included with your license.

  • Hello @nick.zincone

    Let me share the enrite log and the entire console ouput with you below.



    think the product I'm licensed for is called Eikon and I'm trying to access data from RDP.

    I already told my account manager that I want to access to realtime snapshot and streaming price data.