Contibution of text using RCC : Encoded data length exceeds


I am getting the error :

    domain="MarketPrice Domain"
    text="Encoded data length exceeds RWF length Fid Id [3] [Failed to apply update. Cache build failed]"

while trying to contribute a text : title = Bande de Fluctuation du Dirham - Date de valeur : 04/05/2023

FieldList nestedFieldList = EmaFactory.createFieldList();

nestedFieldList.add(EmaFactory.createFieldEntry().utf8(3, title));

Could you plz advice.


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    According to the Data Dictionary, the length of the DSPLY_NAME field is 16 bytes.

    DSPLY_NAME "DISPLAY NAME"           3  NULL        ALPHANUMERIC       16  RMTES_STRING    16

    Therefore, the string must not exceed this length.

    The valid string should be "Bande de Fluctua".

    I hope that this information is of help.


  • Hi @Jirapongse , thanks for your answer. Acctually i need to push the full text as it's a title of the contibution page. Could you please give me the suitable FID to do that ?
  • @z.jaai

    You need to check which fields are available for contribution.

    Then, check with the RDMFieldDictionary file in the API package to get the length and type of those fields. You need to look for the RMTES_STRING field that has enough length.

    ROW80_1    "IRGROW 1"             315  NULL        ALPHANUMERIC       80  RMTES_STRING    80

  • Hi again,

    I tried to use RMTRES_STRING like below but still having the same error :


    is 9 the FID id for RMTRES_STRING ?

    I'am using : ROW80_5


  • @z.jaai

    FID 9 is TRDPRC_4 which is REAL64.

    TRDPRC_4   "LAST 3"                 9  TRDPRC_5    PRICE              17  REAL64           7

    You need to check the available fields of the contributed RIC.