How would I return the PE Code and PDP code when I am using the API Playground for RIC Data Discover

Hi - using standard API playground and would like to include PE and PDP codes in my search response

"View": "Quotes",

"Query": "Lithium Carbonate",

"Top": 10000,

"Skip": 0

First hit:

 "BusinessEntity": "QUOTExCOMMODITY",
"DocumentTitle": "MBI Lithium carbonate 99.5% Li2CO3 min battery Grade Spot Price range EXW Domestic China, Commodity Spot, Metal Bulletin",
"PermID": "21710735003",
"PI": "385549167",
"RIC": "MB-LI-0036"

Would like to also receive PE and PDP code


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    You can use this endpoint (/discovery/search/v1/metadata/views/{view}) to list the properties available in a specified view, along with the capabilities they support.


    However, I can't find the PE code and PDP code in the list.

    You can use the snapshot endpoint (/data/pricing/snapshots/v1/) to get the PROD_PERM field.


    I hope that this information is of help.


  • Thank you, most appreciated - this is helpful as we work through specialist data on commodities and energy - all the best, Jason