Stability issue using VBA to update Eikon formula

Hi all,

I am having a stability issue in my excel when I use VBA to refresh Eikon formula.

I often use one formula for 3000 companies at a time, such as '=TR($B$9:$B$3100,"TR.PriceClose","CH=Fd RH=IN",E8)

For Price data, such as TR.PriceClose, using VBA to refresh it is very stable.

But for financial statemant data, such TR.TotalRevenue and TR.NetIncome, using VBA to refresh often crashes, the excel file disappear, and I have to open and redo again. I found this process very tired and frustrating

Does anyone know why and any recommendation? Highly appreciated.

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    If the question relates to Eikon Excel, please contact the Ekon Excel support team directly via MyRefinitiv. The support team can verify the formula and the code that you are using.


  • Is there a quicker and stable way to update formula using VBA, say one formula for 3000 companies, with about 100 such formula?