Refinitiv Data Library .Net failing to connect when using Workspace 1.22 (but does work on all previ


We have existing connectivity to Workspace DAPI using Refinitiv Data Library for .Net. We have not had any issues with connectivity on all versions of Workspace from 1.21 and earlier.

However we are seeing issues connecting with Workspace 1.22. Effectively we are unable to get streaming prices when Refinitiv Data Library tries to establish a DAPI based connection leveraging the users local Workspace instance.

Has something changed with permissions? Is this a known issue that will be resolved before version 1.22 is externally released?

Thank you,


Best Answer


  • Hi @Nick.Straatsma,

    I'm currently using version 1.22 and do not have any issues. Is it possible to include logs so we can see specifically where it is failing?

  • Hi @nick.zincone , Here is what we are seeing. I am working on getting logs as well, but below documents the changes that we believe we see in Workspace 1.22 which caused the failing connectivity/pricing when using the .net library.

    Issue 1: when updating to the new Workspace, it seems Workspace is now using a different directory of the workspace API proxy (before it was Data API Proxy but now it is trying to look for Eikon API Proxy) in the C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\Refinitiv folder

    Issue 2: CF fields look to be decommission when using API proxies. Example fields are:

      • for LAST change CF_LAST to TRDPRC_1
      • for FX change TRDPRC_1 to PRIMACT_1
      • CF_BID and CF_ASK has to be updated to ASK and BID fields respectively
  • Thanks @Nick.Straatsma

    Regarding Issue 1, it's unclear what problems you are having. Are you unable to connect? The library doesn't use the directory details you referenced above to connect. The logs will show exactly where the issue is. This sounds more like a desktop issue. I would reach out to the helpdesk (F1 - Help & Support) and ensure the update was done correctly and report the specific issue with desktop support.

    Regarding issue 2, this also appears to be strictly a desktop issue if you are seeing issues with data. Desktop Help & Support will know more about this than this forum.

  • @nick.zincone What is the latest RDP .NET API available? We're thinking that the .dll file we're using may be outdated. The new Workspace update stores the API Proxy port in the new file path (C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\Refinitiv\Data API Proxy\.portInUse). The RDP .NET .dll we're using is till trying to locate Workspace's port in the old file path (C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\Refinitiv\Eikon API Proxy\.portInUse) which we can see via the logs. Perhaps we need a newer .dll file that looks for the port in use in the new file path location?