JKN client in Thailand found field name "52WK_HIGH" coming with RKD feed starting from May 1, 2023.

Hi Team

On behalf of JKN client in Thailand, they found field name "52WK_HIGH" coming with RKD feed starting from May 1, 2023. Their app returned the following error in below screenshot.


Client said , they did not received this field and could retrieve data properly before May 1, 2023.

The following are example RIC (Stock in Thailand)





From the error, client is wondering if their program cannot capture / handle field name beginning with digit well or not. From example error, it shows that field name starting with 52xxx and then program returned error.

I have shared some source code as following. Do you think there is something wrong on Line 89 why the error referred to that line ?


Thank you very much and looking forward for your suggestion.

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    I found that this could be a limitation of the XML.

    XML names may only start with letters, ideograms, and the underscore character. They may not start with a number, hyphen, or period. 

    Therefore, the XML element name could not be "52WK_HIGH". You can validate the XML by using the XML Validator page at https://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_validator.asp.


    The workaround is if the name starts with a number, the client needs to prefix it with the underscore. Therefore, the name will be "_52WK_HIGH".

    Otherwise, the client uses this XML syntax instead.

    <field fieldname="52WK_HIGH" ...> </field> 

    I hope that this information is of help.