Exception while calling CreateRData on Dex2.RData


I am implementing the 'Dex2Example' example and the code throws an exception while trying to retrieve the data. While I can retrieve data using the form, as soon as trigger the CreateRData as a console application it throws the said exception:

An exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in e_webservice.exe but was not handled in user code. 

It's not possible to associate an object COM of type 'System.__ComObject' to the interface 'Dex2.IDex2Mgr3'. This operation has failed because the call QueryInterface in the COM component (...) RESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE)

The excpetion is thrown on the line

MyRData = MyDex2Mgr.CreateRData(MyDex2Cookie);

mydex2cookie value is 1 and the connection status is 'suceeded'.

The MyDex2Mgr initialization is as follows:

 public void CreateDex2Mgr()
// Create the Dex2 manager
MyDex2Mgr = MyEikonDesktopDataAPI.CreateDex2Mgr();

// Initialize the Dex2 manager and retrieve a session cookie
if (MyDex2Mgr != null)
MyDex2Cookie = (MyDex2Mgr as IDex2Mgr2).Initialize(DEX2_MetadataCaller.DE_MC_ADC_UNKNOWN);




  • Hi @duarte_quintelauarte, there are a few things that you should do to make sure that your code will work just fine in the console application:

    • make sure that your console app is running in the single-threaded apartment mode, you can add [STAThread] attribute to your static void Main() method;
    • since the API is COM, you will need to run the event loop manually, as it is not present in the console apps; the easiest way is to reference the WindowsBase.dll assembly, and add the following routine to your class Program:
    #region Dispatcher
    public static DispatcherFrame Frame; //the object is required in order to release the Windows message pump while executing asynchronous calls.

    public static void PushDispatcherFrame()

    public static void StopMessagePump()
    Frame.Continue = false;
    Frame = null;

    public static DispatcherFrame GetDispatcherFrame()
    return Frame ?? (Frame = new DispatcherFrame());
    • after you have done this, you will need to call Program.PushDispatcherFrame() manually every time you execute any calls, and Program.StopMessagePump() when you receive a result;

    Let me know if it works.

  • Hello @Zhenya_Kovalyov

    I've implemented the Dispatcher Frames method and the [STAThread] attribute on the main function.

    Now, I've got another error on

    MyDex2Cookie = (MyDex2Mgr as IDex2Mgr2).Initialize(DEX2_MetadataCaller.DE_MC_ADC_UNKNOWN);

    The exception is as follows:

    An unhandled exception of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException' in eikon.exe

    Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154

    I have the following dll's referenced in my project:

    - Interop.Dex2

    - Interop.EikonDesktopDataAPI

    Thank you for your time,


  • It still looks as if you are activating and using the object in different threads. Could you drop me an email at evgenij.kovalev@tr.com and we can have a look at your code together.