API Web Page access and Tick History CFS Tuturial

Questions from client:

  1. Access to the API webpage (e.g. https://apidocs.refinitiv.com/Apps/ApiDocs) via browser always gets blocked (403). Is it expected?
  2. As I am trying to follow the CFS tutorial (https://developers.refinitiv.com/en/article-catalog/article/introduction-to-client-file-store--cfs----python#Token), the sample code snippet includes constants:
    1. TOKEN_FILE & SCOPE, could I know how to get it?
    2. CLIENT_ID & CLIENT_SECRET. How to get them as well? I am aware that there is an `App Key` on https://amers1-apps.platform.refinitiv.com/apps/appkeygenerator

And just to confirm that TOKEN_ENDPOINT is https://api.refinitive.com/auth/v1/token

Best Answer


  • Hello @daniel.zuliani

    About the second question, the Python CFS article source code sends an authentication request to RDP and saves the RDP tokens to a file variable named TOKEN_FILE. You can get the complete application source code from the GitHub repository.

    That logic is based on the RDP APIs Quickstart and Python tutorials source code, Python starter examples, you can download the examples from the RDP APIs download page. The RDP APIs Tutorial - Authorization in Python is also a good place to get started.

    The CLIENT_SECRET is not being used in the RDP Version 1 authentication, you can just send a blank value to it.