The story id and RIC links in the RKD news story, how to identify and properly display?

Taking this news story nL6S37E0ES as example, the RKD TOP NEWS & BREAKINGVIEWS > GET NEWS STORY will give the html result:


"HtmlContent": "<html xmlns=\\><head><title>美国股市:创近两周最大百分比涨幅,因债务上限磋商进展和地区银行股飙升</title></head><body>……

提高联邦政府31.4万亿美元的举债上限,以避免出现将给经济造成灾难性影响的债务违约。<span id=\"x1\">nL6S37E0E4</span></p><p><br /></p><p>美国财政部表示,如果不能在6月1日之前达成协议,可能会耗尽资金,无法支付政府账单,从而或将引发经济衰退。</p><p><br /></p><p>地区性银行股上涨提振了市场情绪。Western Alliance Bancorp<span id=\"x3\">WAL.N</span>领涨,涨幅为10.19%。一天前该行表示,在截至5月12日的季度,存款增长超过20亿美元。</p><p><br /></p><p>KBW地区性银行指数<span id=\"x4\">.KRX</span>急升7.28%,录得2021年1月6日以来的最大单日百分比涨幅,且创下5月1日以来最高收盘水平。标普500银行股指数跃升4.46%,录得11月10日以来最大单日百分比涨幅。</p><p><br /></p><p>Cherry Lane Investments合伙人Rick Meckler表示:“这是债务上限方面的乐观情绪。这是对银行业危机已经过去的持续乐观情绪。没出现新问题的每一天,我们都可能越接近将这些事情抛在脑后。“</p><p><br /></p><p>“毫无疑问,催化剂是当拜登和麦卡锡都说已经接近时,我们假设他们可能会达成某种协议。”</p><p><br /></p><p>道琼斯工业指数<span id=\"x5\">.DJI</span>上涨408.63点,或1.24%,至33,420.77点。标普500指数<span id=\"x6\">.SPX</span>上涨48.87点,或1.19%,至4,158.77点。纳斯达克指数<span id=\"x7\">.IXIC</span>上涨157.51点,或1.28%,至12,500.57点。……

The application would like to properly display those links highlighted in the example above. Some of them are for RICs, and the others are story ids. In a programmatic approach, the application need a logic to identify them and replace with “real” link urls. Please help advise how to work on this. Thanks.

Best Answer

  • m.bunkowski
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Frederic
    I'm afraid that the story text does not contain any additional tags that can help you to differentiate between RIC codes and story ids. I would suggest one thing: all the references are put between the <span id> tags. Please note, that there is no single RIC code starting from "n", so you can assume that this is a reference to a story ID where all the others will be RIC codes. I hope that it helps.