Market data extraction using DSS API

Hi Team,

We are planning to extract the market data using Refinitiv DataScope Select API for our Shareholding Disclosure application. We are reviewing the available fields in "Refinitiv DataScope Select 17.1 - Fields by Report Template" to get the information for all the required fields.

We need the information such as Country of Incorporation, ISIN, Issuer Name, Security Description, Par Value, Par Value Currency, Exchange, SEDOL, Voting rights, Voting rights per share, Industry group, Industry Sub group etc. (There are many other fields which we need).

We would like to know which report template of DSS API we need to use for this information. We found Composite and Corporate Actions report name in the excel sheet.

In addition if you can tell us DSS API is the right one to get this information?

Thanks in advance.



Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    As this forum is more for programming-type queries, rather than content-related queries - I would recommend you raise a ticket to our Refinitiv Datascope Select support team via MyRefinitiv.

    That way a content specialist can work closely with you and verify the assumption.
