How to pass address (country/state/city/street ) when creating a screening case for organization?

How to pass address (country/state/city/street ) when creating a screening case for organization?


Best Answer

  • Hi @RomanM5,

    If your query is related to WC1 API, please find the below.

    • Assuming you already have our latest postman collection, you can initiate the endpoint SEQ-pre-group-case-template: Get the case template for a group which in response will give you the valid secondary identifiers which you can utilize in your screening process for each Provider & Entity type.
    • To screen an organisation utilize the endpoint SEQ-screen-sync-organisation: Perform Synchronous Screening - Organisation and as shown in the below screenshot in the request body under secondaryFields array you can pass the valid secondary identifiers in your screening process.1686119012946.png

    Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any further questions.



  • @RomanM5

    Please confirm the product that you are using.

    Is it World-Check One?

  • I found out the same solution on my own. It's just a weird place to put that information. It would make it much easier if it was bungled together with case api (something like "case template")

    thank you
