Is there a way to pull news data using the .NET/C# Refinitiv Data Library?

I am currently using Eikon's News Monitor to filter by keywords, company symbols, and news sources to receive real-time streaming headlines. I want to access this data programmatically. I do not see any instruction that it is possible to do so using .NET/C#. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

  • nick.zincone
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Chris.Iemma

    As far as I am aware, I don't believe the Eikon News Monitor provides an API. I would recommend you ask this question within the Help & Support feature within the desktop - access by the help key (F1).

    What I can suggest is to look at the available News APIs within the Refinitiv Data Library for .Net library. Here are the associated resources:

    • Historical headlines and stories
      These examples provide a way to retrieve news headlines and stories using a specific query

    • Machine Readable News
      Realtime News Headlines and Stories. This service does not provide the ability to query for a specific headline - it is effectively a dump of all news

    • RealTime Message Queues
      Provides a near realtime to request and receive headlines using a query. This service is only available on the platform (RDP - Refinitiv Data Platform), not Eikon.