Messenger SxS API failure to send message after successful authentication

Hi All,

This afternoon I was looking at the the Eikon Messenger SxS API in Postman while reading the Messenger SxS API Documentation PDF.

I managed to successfully generate my API Key and Product Id and then used those to get a sessionToken.

The Eikon Messenger popped up a screen asking if I would allow myself to access the SxS API and I replied 'Allow...'. All good so far.

Unfortunately when I attempt to send a message using the following endpoint :


... I get the following response :

"isSuccess": false,
    "error": {
        "code": -32603,
        "message": "Couldn't get origin from productId: MDXTECHNOLOGYLIMITED.MDXTCONNECTMAILER"

What does that error suggest that I have done wrong?

Thanks so much for any advice!


Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @darren.richards

    Thank you for contacting us. Based on the error message, this issue needs to be investigated by the Messenger team. I highly recommend you contact the Messenger Support team directly via the following methods:

    Live Chat (Available 24 hours)
    - Using the Eikon Messenger embedded in Eikon > click the 'Support' icon beside your name at the upper right-hand corner of the Eikon Messenger.

    Contact Us (Available 24 hours)
    - Eikon menu > Help > Contact Us
    - MyRefinitiv > Get Support
    MyRefinitiv website:


    Phone (Available 24 hours)
    - Please call: 0800-44-3000

    I hope this information helps.
