Real time price fields: OFF_CLOSE (id 3372) vs. HST_CLOSE (id 21)


What is the difference b/w the following fields:

OFF_CLOSE (id 3372) vs. HST_CLOSE (id 21)

Ex.g. When I query both before today trade session EOD, do I get HST_CLOSE = "previous day close" and

OFF_CLOSE= "unavailable (as the trading session is still on)" ?

Am I missing something?

Best Answer

  • nick.zincone
    Answer ✓

    Hi @DimAngelNX

    Questions related to content and the meaning behind the values are best addressed within the desktop (Workspace/Eikon) by using the Help & Support (F1) feature.

    You may also find more information using the Data Model Discovery tool within the Developer Portal (under "Developer Tools"). After searching, it states:

    FID 21: HST_CLOSE Historical unadjusted close or settlement price.
    FID 3372: OFF_CLOSE The official closing price for this market. Price may be qualified by CLOSE_TONE

    It may be the case for certain instruments, based on the exchange they are traded, will report OFF_CLOSE after the market is closed or during the closing run - this is something the help desk can confirm.