Is it possible to fetch only delta from cache ?

I am using ETA Value Added service with watchlist enabled, I am looking into VAConsumer for reference.

I want to use cache, so that incoming message will be applied to cache and there will be another thread reading from cache.

But is there any way while reading from cache, which will return only updated fields?

For eg. ASK and BID are stored in cache and other thread also reads it from cache. but next time only BID is changed and I want to read and send only BID message to the application for processing as our application is expecting only delta.


Bhimrao Ghule

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Do you mean you would like to use the Value Added Payload Cache component in the ETA package?

    I checked the document and found that the Value Added Payload Cache component doesn't support this feature. For more information, please refer to the 11 Payload Cache Detailed View section in the ETA Value Added Components document.
