ek.get_data correct date with multiple fields


I have the following call in excel:

=@TR("IAG.AX","TR.IssueMarketCap(Scale=6 ShType=FFL), ((TR.FreeFloatPct)/100), TR.IssueSharesOutstanding(Scale=3), TR.CLOSEPRICE(Adjusted=0)","SDate=2020-10-27 EDate=2020-12-01 Curn=USD CH=Fd RH=calcdate")

I repeat to make this same call in:


However I want in the return also a correct date (that is correct for all fields) so that If I later use the information I know which get_data result is for which date

data, err = ek.get_data("IAG.AX"
, fields = ["TR.IssueMarketCap('Scale'=6,'ShType'=FFL)"
,"TR.IssueSharesOutstanding(Scale=3)/*shares outstanding*/"                                       ,"TR.CLOSEPRICE(Adjusted=0)/*close*/"]
, parameters = {"Curn" = "USD", "SDate" = "2020-10-27"
, "EDate" = "2020-12-01"}

I can add a date like e.g.:


But then how do I know for sure that this date is valid also for the other fields (not close price)?

Best Answer

  • @laurens thanks for your question - so there is no way to guarantee fidelity of dates across different fields with the Eikon Data API library - without explicitly requesting a date or a calc date:

    data, err = ek.get_data("VOD.L",fields = ["TR.IssueMarketCap(Scale=6).calcdate","TR.IssueMarketCap(Scale=6)","TR.FreeFloatPct.calcdate","TR.FreeFloatPct","TR.IssueSharesOutstanding(Scale=3).calcdate","TR.IssueSharesOutstanding(Scale=3)","TR.CLOSEPRICE(Adjusted=0).calcdate","TR.CLOSEPRICE(Adjusted=0)"],parameters = {"Curn": "USD", "SDate" : "2020-10-27", "EDate" : "2020-12-01", "Frq":"D"})



    The RD Library does have row fidelity but it does this by inserting NA artefacts. I hope this can clarify.


  • Hi @laurens , Please use the Data Item Browser. With this tool, you can find the Date value for any field as shown here: https://developers.refinitiv.com/en/video-catalog/data-item-browser

  • sorry, but this is not an acceptable answer. If you look at the formula's used you might infer that the data browser is already used. So this I obviously already tried...

    Looking at your answer I doubt if you understand the difficulty of the question asked.

  • sorry, but this is not an acceptable answer. If you look at the formula's used you might infer that the data browser is already used. So this I obviously already tried...

    Looking at your answer I doubt if you understand the difficulty of the question asked.

  • hi @jason.ramchandani01 many thanks for your answer, this is what I already was suspecting.

    To clarfiy upon your last sentence:

    (`The RD Library does have row fidelity but it does this by inserting NA 

    is this only for RD or also for RDP, and if possible can you provide me with an example?

  • I checked this query

    import refinitiv.data as rd

    df = rd.get_data(universe="VOD.L",
    fields= ["TR.IssueMarketCap(Scale=6)","TR.IssueMarketCap(Scale=6).calcdate","TR.FreeFloatPct","TR.FreeFloatPct.calcdate","TR.IssueSharesOutstanding(Scale=3).calcdate","TR.CLOSEPRICE(Adjusted=0)","TR.CLOSEPRICE(Adjusted=0).calcdate"],
    parameters = {"Curn": "USD", "SDate" : "2020-10-27", "EDate" : "2020-12-01", "Frq":"D"})

    I notice than that still there is no consistency in the dates:


    Is this a design choice?

  • I just checked RDP and RD behave the same.
  • Apologies @laurens I meant with a get_history call you get row fidelity as below - we did not change the get_data output:

    df = rd.get_history(universe="VOD.L",fields= ["TR.IssueMarketCap(Scale=6)","TR.FreeFloatPct","TR.IssueSharesOutstanding(Scale=3)","TR.CLOSEPRICE(Adjusted=0)"],parameters = {"Curn": "USD", "SDate" : "2020-10-27", "EDate" : "2020-12-01", "Frq":"D"})



    I hope this can help.

  • thx Jason!