Cloning Datascope Plus Account and retaining reports from one user to a new account/user

Hi there,

I am wondering if it is possible to "clone" a user that is currently setup on Datascope Select (with tons of configurations and reports present) onto a new different account/user with the same content as the first user?

The new user would have a different login/password but essentially have the same set of reports and configuration of the first user that is was cloned from.


Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Hi @yen.wong01,

    I would recommend asking this question to your Refinitiv account manager, since they might have an ability to clone/replicate the permissions from one account to another one.

    Otherwise, you can export all your report templates using the download button on the top-right and re-import these into a new user account.
