Consult the Interval field corresponding with the RIC code

I have some RIC codes of commodity prices, but I am not sure about the update frequency of these price releases. Could you please help me confirm their Inteval field information? e.g. GNT-RJK-SAUC,GNT-RJK-BAUC,CVO-SYB-IT,SOYB-ROS-BCR,LARD-LSE-CHG.

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    I assumed that you are using the Eikon COM API. If yes, you can use the GetViewList method to list all views and intervals of each RIC, as shown below.

      IViewListRequest viewRequest = timeSeries.GetViewList("GNT-RJK-SAUC",
                    v =>
                        foreach (View view in v)
                            List<string> intervalList = new List<string>();
                            foreach (Interval interval in view.Intervals)
                                intervalList.Add(interval.Type.ToString() + "(" + interval.Length + ")");
                            Console.WriteLine("View Name: {0} ({1}) => Intervals: {2}", view.Name, view.Flags.ToString(), String.Join(", ", intervalList.ToArray()));

    The output looks like this:

    View Name: LAST_QUOTE (Default) => Intervals: Daily(1), Weekly(1), Monthly(1), Quarterly(1), Yearly(1)
    View Name: NDA_RAW (Raw) => Intervals: Daily(1), Weekly(1), Monthly(1), Quarterly(1), Yearly(1)

    I hope that this information is of help.