Failover between Encrypted and non-Encrypted ADS using RFA

Is there a way to configure RFA so that it can failover between two ADS's, One with Encryption Enabled and One with Encryption Disabled?

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    I checked the RFA configurations. RFA supports failover via the serverList configuration in the connection.

    \Connections\Connection_RSSL\connectionType                    = "RSSL"
    \Connections\Connection_RSSL\rsslPort                         = "14002"
    \Connections\Connection_RSSL\serverList                        = ","

    All servers in the serverList configuration use the same connection settings. Therefore, RFA can't be configured to failover between Encrypted and non-Encrypted ADS.

    I hope that this information is of help.


  • Thanks for that information. That's what we suspected.

    As an alternative, would it be possible to setup "Warm Standby" between an Encrypted and Un-Encrypted connection?

  • @ron.bove01

    I don't think so.


    In RFA, the WarmStandbyGroup is specifed in the serverList parameter which is under a connection.