Access Denied: User req to IDN for Exch - No Market Data for IOBE Segment.


We are using RFA 8.1 C++ api to consume Level2 market data for MBP domain.

We have disabled DACS checks.

We are trying to subscribe to RIC - HSBKq.L but we are not receiving any market data.

and we receive this in the logs from Refinitiv :

hEDD -

Status :

DataState : Suspect

StreamState : Closed

StatusCode : NotAuthorized

StatusText : Access Denied: User req to IDN for Exch e.g. - LSE3I

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    According to the error, the user is not allowed to access this item. As I know, this kind of error is from DACS. Therefore, ADS may be still DACS-enabled. Please contact the server team to verify the ADS configurations.

    I hope that this information is of help.