Unexplained Desktop API Latency/Performance Issues

Over the weekend (June 24-June 25), I experienced noticeable latency issues with the News Feed Streaming API (from the pricing library using Pricing.Definition().Universe().GetStream()). For instance, a news item would appear in the Desktop news tool, but would appear with a latency that sometimes reached 500ms-1000ms in my .NET application. The expected behavior is that the same data should appear simultaneously in both the Desktop Workspace instance and my .NET application connected via the API.

Interestingly, I have not experienced this latency issue these past couple of days June 26-June 27 (which are weekdays), which leads me to wonder if there is any kind of throttling mechanism for the API that causes latency over the weekends? Or was there a backend API issue over the past weekend?

At this point, I'm wondering what the "normal" performance is- is it what I experienced over the weekend with the noticeable latency, or what I experienced on June 26/27, with the instant/simultaneous data transmission.

Best Answer

  • nick.zincone
    Answer ✓

    Hi @cmendolsohn

    Thanks for the update. Within Refinitiv Workspace (RW), the RD Libraries are retrieving streaming data from the API Proxy which is presently accessing a different backend streaming server than the apps (News App for example). However, I will need a more detailed explanation if this would justify the difference. I've reached out to someone from the Desktop team to better understand the setup and whether the configuration, for example QoS (Quality of Service) could affect the delivery of updates. What I can tell you is that the library does not throttle updates.

    Also, there is an initiative happening to update the API Proxy to point to the same backend streaming server being used by the Apps. Assuming this would make all things equal, in theory, this should resolve the delay. I will update once I get clarification/confirmation with my current assumptions.


  • Hi,

    I'm following up on this issue, which I have observed for 2 consecutive weeks now. See the following Youtube video, which captures the data transmission latency issue I've been describing.

    There is definitely a visually noticeable latency in the API data transmission, which I've observed on weekends. Notice how in the clips from July 1st, the news items show up noticeably earlier in the Desktop instance. My best guess is that there is some kind of API setting that is restricting the response rate in data transmission.


    If it was only limited to weekends, it wouldn't be too big of a deal, but the next logical question is, when else is this throttling mechanism being implemented?

  • Hi @cmendolsohn ,

    The moderators
    on this forum are expertise on Refinitiv APIs usage. However, they do not have
    deep expertise in every type of product available through Refinitiv products.
    Such expertise is available through Refinitiv Helpdesk, which can be reached
    via MyRefinitiv. To be of help, ticket number 12717614 was raised on your
    behalf and the support team is going to contact you soon to assist with this.

    Hope this helps
    and please let me know in case you have any further questions

  • Hi @cmendolsohn ,

    Could you please provide the example code that gets "streaming news" for further investigation?

  • using var stream = Pricing.Definition().Universe("NFCP_UBMS").GetStream()
                                                                 .OnUpdate((item, update, s) => DisplayUpdate(item, update))
                                                                  .OnError((item, err, s) => Console.WriteLine(err));

    The code is pretty straightforward - its right from your Github examples.

  • Ok, thank you for the clarification. The use of different servers likely explains the difference in delivery times.
  • Nice sharing thank you very much.

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