RDP.Gethistory function errors

Hi! My client is running his API via Workspace and got an issue.

1. The OFF_CLOSE data item in Workspace in not showing values for the specific security.


Appreciate the help!

Best Answer

  • aramyan.h
    Answer ✓

    Hi @lyzacamille.paraggua ,

    It seems returning the data for 26th on my end, could you please retry and let me know if you are still having the issue?


    Best regards,



  • Hi @lyzacamille.paraggua ,

    It seems the field is not available for the instrument, you may consider using TRDPRC_1 or SETTLE, which is the last trade price and Settlement price for the instrument. SETTLE will return the exact same values you got from Eikon.

    Best regards,


  • Hi @h.aramyan01 ,

    Thank you very much! Would you also be able to advice on the below as the client is unable to fetchvthe 26th of June data using the Workspace function rd.get_history. I noticed there was an extra character to one of the dates (end date). I had him remove this but he mentioned he's still not getting the data.

    Thank you so much!
