Add new column in my dataframe with Major News on corresponding date?


Here is my dataframe,


I would like to add a column with the major news on the corresponding day and ticker.

So for instance, what's the major news for HCA on 2022 04 22 for the first row

Thank you

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Please let us know which API you are using.

    If you using Eikon Data API, you can call the get_news_headlines method to get news headlines.

    ek.get_news_headlines("LEN AND Topic:NEWS1 AND R:HCA", count=100)

    1688615543664.pngHowever, with Eikon Data API, the depth of news history is 15 months.
