Update several RICS with one OmmConsumer.Submit()

Is it possible to impact more than one RIC using one OmmConsumer.Submit()?

I know the OMMHandleItemCmd object contains one handle and one Msg object. I am assigning one PostMsg object that contains an object AttribInfo() that specifies the service name and the RIC name (item).

Is it correct to deduce that one PostMsg object can impact at most one RIC?

Is there a different way to affect more than one RIC using one message?

Best Answer

  • @Christophe.Hannosset

    A Submit() call can only post a message for only a RIC, so it is not possible to impact multiple RIC using one Submit() method called.

    For On-Stream post, the posting affects the RIC that the input handle associates with.

    For Off-Stream post, the posting affects the RIC that is specified in the Attribute Info of the post message.

    The posting normally is to post 'content' to the TREP components' cache or insert/contribute 'content' to service provider (i.e. ATS). The content normally is different per RIC

    Anyway, what is the information you want to post to affect more than one RIC?


  • Thanks for the information.

    The IDN service of the RDMS updates only 3 messages per second (limitation parameter managed by Reuters).

    We have to update the curves of 7 currencies to a Front-end Software that only accepts IDN feed (Bid and ask fields).

    One currency (or curve) impacts 13 RICS so the update is quite slow and so is the ack.

    The underlying idea is to embed in the message all the RICS of one curve as increasing the parameter from 3 to a higher value is only postponing the inevitable latency.

    Do you have an idea if such a solution is feasible?