Websocket API vs RTSDK - C/C++

I am looking for answers to the following questions regarding the Websocket API and RTSDK:



1. Does the Websocket API perform as the results shown in the image (Websocket JSON column)? Is there a specific number relative to these?

2. Is it possible to receive the streaming data via your own websocket connection (not through the ETA API) and decode it from RWF format with a decoder?

3. What is the difference between the Websocket in the Real-time SDK and the Websocket API?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Those number are from ETA SDK but you should be able to see similar results. Its important to note that conditions under which those updates were received are all documented in the test results - which include packet size, and high speed network from source to consumer.


  • Hi @marton.brosig,

    1. Yes, these are actual test results. From the same document you can read the machine and network specs under which these were obtained.

    2. Yes, you can open a websocket connection and get data in JSON format which your application should be able to use. See examples here. This is for JSON payload only; decoding RWF is only supported in the EMA/ETA SDK.

    3. SDK supports both JSON and RWF, and is a convenience stack where the application does not have to manage low level details like ping timeouts, auto reconnects etc.

  • Hi @Gurpreet, thank you for your answer.

    Just to make sure I don't get it wrong.

    Is it possible to send 140,000 messages in Non-Encrypted JSON using the Websocket API? (and not the Real-Time SDK)

    Thank you for your answer.

  • Hello @marton.brosig

    To subscribe to 140K RICs from RTDS or RTO, I highly recommend the Real-Time SDK with the RSSL connection.
    The reason is the RSSL is designed and optimized for high-performance data distribution. It encodes data in binary format which is smaller size than JSON string.