Instrument search conditions

Is there a documentation about instrument search conditions available? I have had a look at the DSS UI (see screenshot). In this example I would like to know that is condition to filter by strike price equal to a given value?


I need the conditions strings to be used in the request body, like in this example:

@{"SearchRequest":{"AssetStatus":"Active","Identifier":"BMWG*","IdentifierType":"Ric", "CurrencyCodes": [ "EUR"] , "PreferredIdentifierType":"Ric","StrikePrice":{"@odata.type":"#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Search.NumericRangeComparison","From":60,"To":61}}}

Besides this concrete example a documentation about all possible conditions e.g. also for expiration date, etc. would be really helpful. Is such documentation available?

Thanks in advance!
