100% Moneyness ID, for example for RIC "GE", 100 Moneyness ID is GE1$MONEY100


Is there any way to pull 100 Moneyness IDs using stock RIC (or some other id) from DataStream API in Python?
For example for RIC "GE", we have moneyness ID is "GE1$MONEY100". Below is the screenshot from DFO Navigator just for reference.
I am looking for a way using Datasteam API in Python.


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓

    anonymous user

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    I am unable to find a way to get 100 Moneyness IDs by using stock RICs from Datastream API.

    Please contact the Datastream Web Service support team directly via MyRefinitiv to verify if there is any method to get these IDs from RICs via Datastream API.