How to obtain a list of company's peers, in Excel, with formulas?


I am looking for a way (a formula, hopefully) to obtain a list of tickers of companies that constitute peers of a given company - in Ms Excel with Refinitiv Workspace, using formulas (or VBA) rather than manually clicking through the Peers app. This needs to be done for a number of companies, so it cannot be done manually for every company in question.

I would be very grateful for suggestions, or for a confirmation whether or not this is at all possible.


PS I thought this forum would be the most appropriate to ask, but please correct or redirect me if it isn't.

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    You can use the Peers function in the =@RDP.Data Excel function.

    =@RDP.Data("Peers(IBM.N)","TR.CommonName;TR.PriceClose","CH=Fd RH=IN",D2)

    The ouput is:


    For more information, please contact the Refinitiv Workspace support team directly via MyRefinitiv.


  • Many apologies for the delay, I have been unexpectedly away and unable to return to this until now. Yes, this is exactly what I was looking for, thank you so much! I really appreciate your help. The answer is already accepted now, but I've given reward points. Thanks again.