Finding replacements for old invalid rics


I have a script which still uses old rics which I would like to update.
I still have the following RICS for which I cannot find a new version like 'UNA.AS^K20" for UNA.AS.
What is the best approach to figure this out since both fields

 Instrument.Is.Active.Flag  and RetireDate

return NA

   Instrument Instrument.Is.Active.Flag RetireDate
1: WYND.K <NA> <NA>
2: TOTF.PA <NA> <NA>
3: SLA.L <NA> <NA>
4: SCAA.OL <NA> <NA>
5: RB.L <NA> <NA>
6: PMO.L <NA> <NA>
7: MYL.O <NA> <NA>
8: LSE.L <NA> <NA>
9: LHN.S <NA> <NA>
10: HON <NA> <NA>
11: FUGRc.AS <NA> <NA>
12: FLTRE.I <NA> <NA>
13: FCHA.MI <NA> <NA>
14: DXSDB.AX <NA> <NA>
15: DRIG.DE <NA> <NA>
16: AFb.ST <NA> <NA>
17: 4555.T <NA> <NA>

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Please let us know the API that you are using.

    If you are using Eikon Data API, you can use the get_symbology method to get delisted RICs.

    For example:

    data = ek.get_symbology(["UNA.AS"], from_symbol_type="RIC", best_match=False)

    The output is:



  • Hi @laurens

    You can use rd library to check that as well:

    import as rd
    top = 1,
    query = 'UNA.AS',
    select = "ExpiredRIC,DelistedDate,ListingStatusName "
