M&A: Extracting acquirer and target security PermID and ISIN


I am extracting Deals for a specific number of firms based on their Company PermID using the following code:

import eikon as ek
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import csv as csv

PermIDs = []

with open('Firm_PermIDs.csv', newline='') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
for row in reader:
for x in row:
PermIDsString = ', '.join(PermIDs)

criteria = f"SCREEN(U(IN(DEALS)/*UNV:DEALSMNA*/),IN(TR.MNAParticipant(DealPartRole=T),{PermIDsString}),\
BETWEEN(TR.MnAAnnDate,19990101,20230712)/*dt:Date*/, CURN=USD)"

display = ["TR.MnASDCDealNumber",
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 300)
deals, er =ek.get_data(criteria,display)

As you can see, I am extracting a number of different deal information including the announcement date, value, status of the deal etc.

I was wondering if it's also possible to obtain the Target's and Acquirer's Security PermID as well as their ISIN codes through the API?

Thank you

Best Answer

  • raksina.samasiri
    Answer ✓

    Hi @flammers ,

    Regarding including both DealPartRole T and A, I found how to apply them with CodeCreator in Refinitiv Workspace/Eikon Desktop. After launching the CodeCreator (CodeCr)

    1. input instrument
    2. search for the data item (I used Deal Participant which its field is TR.MNAParticipant
    3. Click on Parameters & Quick Functions tab
    4. Select Edit on Deal Part Role
    5. Check the option(s) you would like to include
    6. Click Done
    7. The parameter is applied into the field


    so when make a parameter to apply with all fields, the code looks like

    deals, er =ek.get_data('AAPL.O',display,{'DealPartRole': 'T:A'})

    I'd like to try if this works if put in criteria, but I don't have any example of ISINs you've used, could you please provide a few of them for further investigations.


  • Hi @flammers ,

    Using Data Item Browser tool, TR.OrganizationID and TR.ISIN fields can be used.

    Hope this helps and please let me know in case you have any further questions.

  • Thank you.

    Unfortunately, that does not work but results in missing values (i.e., missing ISIN) for each of my deals.

    Any idea what might the issue be here?

    Also, how can I retrieve deals for a given firm, where the firm is either the acquiring company OR the target?

    I define the role of the firm in


    But haven't found a way yet to include both, Acquirer (A) and Target (T) simultaneously.

    Kind regards