Eikon API Dashboard

I want to build a dashboard that displays data from the Eikon Data API (such as P/CF for example). However, I want to share this dashboard with my team, but in order to use it, you need to have the Eikon application opened (because that's how the API works). Is there an easier way to do this, without the need to have the Eikon app opened? (maybe through a Web API)

Best Answer

  • aramyan.h
    Answer ✓

    HI @rl01 ,

    You may need to have a platform license to be able to connect and ingest data from the APIs without having Workspace/Eikon running on the background. With Platform license you will get Machine ID which together with the password and the APPKEY can be used to connect to the API. Additionally, you may consider using our latest Refinitiv Data Libraries for python which is a wrapper sitting on top of Refenitiv Data Platform allowing the platform connection.

    You may need to talk to your account manager for the details on the Platform license.

    Best regards,
