Get watchlist assigned to a group in WC1 API

Hi team,

Can you give me your advice about how to get the watchlist and sources assigned to a group?
I have to make the query through the WC1 API.

Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

  • Hello @Diego Najera Ortiz, thank you for reaching out to us!

    I would like to get further clarification - are you referring to retrieving the sources assigned to a CASE (versus a GROUP, which you have stated above)?

    If so, have you tried using the "Retrieve a World-Check record" endpoint? You can obtain the {{worldcheck-record-id-encoded}} by using the "referenceId" attribute found in the "Get screening results" endpoint.

    Kindly let me know if you need further assistance.




  • Hi Judith, sorry for the long delay.

    That work for me thank you.

    You know if there's a way to get:

    1. The lists assigned to a group
    2. The records in client watchlist

    Thank you in advance

  • Hi @Diego Najera Ortiz - can you please clarify what you mean by "lists" assigned to a group? If once again you are referring to the cases that are assigned to a group, you can view it through the WebUI, as it is not an API functionality.

    On the other hand, you can obtain the records in a watchlist case by using the "Get screening results" endpoint.


  • Hi @judith.pillado.lseg , I'm referring to the records in a watchlist, for example:

    After create a watchlist an add records, how can I retrieve that information with the API? Is that supported by the API?

    Thank you in advance.


  • Hello @Diego Najera Ortiz - as we discussed via Teams chat, this is not an API functionality at the moment. Apologies for that inconvenience.

