ek.get_timeseries doesn't return a classical dataframe

Hi, I am using the eikon API for python. When I write the following script:


import eikon as ek TASA_BANREP = ek.get_timeseries(['aCOCBR'], start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, interval='monthly')

df_TASA_BANREP = pd.DataFrame(TASA_BANREP['VALUE']) df_TASA_BANREP['VALUE'] ##########################################

I don't get a single field for Value, but instead get a date and the value.


2001-01-31 12.0

2001-02-28 12.0

2001-03-31 11.5

2001-04-30 11.5

2001-05-31 11.5 ...

2022-10-31 11.0

2022-12-31 12.0

2023-01-31 12.75

2023-03-31 13.0

2023-05-31 13.25

Name: VALUE, Length: 208, dtype: Float64

Could you tell me how can I get a traditional dataframe as it works with the command ek.get_data Thanks!

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Please try this code:


    The output is:

