Realtime Research API

How will I be able continue from where I left off after a long breakage without loosing/skipping/restarting SQS que using Real-Time Research API? For example:

(1) After an access token has expired? (what is the timeout?)

(2) After the cloud credentials expires (1 hour?)?

(3) After a subscription expires (7 days?)?


Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Hi @ETLBATeam,

    Your app will have to renew all the tokens (RDP access and AWS) in time to continue getting messages from an SQS queue. This workflow is demonstrated in the Python alerts sample available in the downloads section. During the period when the tokens have expired but the subscription is active, the messages will keep accumulating in the queue.


  • @Gurpreet In case my process crashed for a long period of time during which the AWS cloud subscription expires, will I miss all SQS messages que'd during the period before I re-establish the subscription? If so, are there any method to recover such as specify the start-date/time of the subscription?
  • Hi @Gurpreet

    Could you tell me the scenario when will the subscription gets expired ?
    In Documentation it is mentioned that subscription will become inactive if it is not active for seven consecutive days
    The meaning of "not active" means we stop pooling SQS queue ? Or anything else.

  • Yes, not active means your app is not polling the queue.

    I don't see any reference to subscription getting cancelled automatically. Where did you see this?

  • @Gurpreet Per Appendix A in Real-Time Research API User Guide Version 3.0.pdf, it mentions the condition under which a subscription will become inactive. We need to know specifically,


    Appendix A: Important user information

    Important Information for Refinitiv Real-Time Research API Users:

    − As a Refinitiv Real-Time Research API user, you can have only one active subscription.

    − Please keep your subscription active to avoid losing any Research Messages.

    − You are allowed to make ten requests per second.

    − A subscription will become inactive if it is not active for seven consecutive days.

    − Cloud credentials are active for one hour; please refresh the credentials before five minutes to avoid expiration.

    − Refinitiv-based Signed URL and Document Request URL are valid for five minutes.

  • @Gurpreet Per Appendix A in Real-Time Research API User Guide Version 3.0.pdf, it mentions the condition under which a subscription will become inactive. We need to know specifically,


    Appendix A: Important user information

    Important Information for Refinitiv Real-Time Research API Users:

    − As a Refinitiv Real-Time Research API user, you can have only one active subscription.

    − Please keep your subscription active to avoid losing any Research Messages.

    − You are allowed to make ten requests per second.

    − A subscription will become inactive if it is not active for seven consecutive days.

    − Cloud credentials are active for one hour; please refresh the credentials before five minutes to avoid expiration.

    − Refinitiv-based Signed URL and Document Request URL are valid for five minutes.

  • Hi @ETLBATeam​,

    The document states that subscription will become inactive. It does not mention cancelling the subscription anywhere.