Report dates for the balance sheet are wrong


Can someone help with this question coming from one prospect ?



As mentioned in our conversation, so far I’ve been unable to get a balance sheet item (i.e Total Assets) with its associated actual report date. For some strange reason the data does come through but is not aligned properly. In the example below I get TSLA.O total assets (TR.F.TotAssets) and its report date (TR.TotalAssetsActualReportDate). However, the latest report date is associated to the total assets value of 5 quarters ago. Also in some cases the report date seems limited to the last 10 years? In the below example I’ve color coded the value with the correct actual report date. Sharing the python request code and link to TESLA’s investor relation website to check the source of truth of information.

Could you please advise?




Here is the request the client runs

df = rd.get_data(universe='TSLA.O', fields=["TR.F.TotAssets", "", "TR.F.TotAssets.calcdate", "TR.F.TotAssets.periodenddate","TR.TotalAssetsActualReportDate], parameters={"SDate":"1999-01-01", "EDate":"2023-07-31", "Period":"FQ0", "Frq":"FQ"})

and here is the expected data result



Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    You may need to select fields that are in the same category. For example, the TR.TotalAssetsActualReportDate field is in the "Refinitiv I/B/E/S Estimates"/"Actuals" category. Therefore, you can use the TR.TotalAssetsActual field instead.


    The code looks like this:

    df = rd.get_data(universe='TSLA.O', 

    The output is:


    Otherwise, you can contact the HelpDesk support team directly via MyRefinitiv to check which fields that can provide the required data.


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