Running reports via python on an aws server.

Is it possible to run reports via python on an aws server?

Best Answer


  • Thank you!

    And will it cause a problem with licensing as it would be running from a computer other than that of the designated individual i.e. my laptop?

  • HI @Marina.Contato,

    You have posted this question under Refinitiv Data Platform, so wanted to confirm that this is the product you are inquiring about.

    If so, yes, RDP is a REST'ful API and can be used from any machine on the internet, including AWS and there would be no licensing issues.

  • is pricing data (what I need to run from a computer other than that of the designated individual) under Refinitiv Data Platform? I confess I wasn't sure which service I had to select.

  • Are you an existing Refinitiv customer? If so, what products are you using right now? I think it would be worthwhile to speak about your data needs to a Refinitiv account manager.