API Throttling Exception

Hi team,

Can you please check this below on what may have caused this and how can this be sorted? Thank you in advance.

In ERT Consume, we are receiving 'API Throttling Exception' with intermediate frequency leading to data loss. Could you please us resolving the Exception, Please find below the full trace of Exception message received.

PutLogEvents API responded with error='ThrottlingException', message='Rate exceeded'\n","stream":"stderr",







Best Answer


  • Hi team client is using ERT stream API

  • Hello @ryan.roxas01

    I am assuming that the client using the WebSocket API or RTSDK (C#, Java, or C/C++) to connect to the Refinitiv Real-Time Optmized (RTO) as part of the application.

    However, the log " ThrottlingException', message='Rate exceeded'\n" " message does not look like the Refinitiv Real-Time or RTO message. It looks like the AWS service exception that suggested by @Jirapongse, so I suggest the client tries the workaround on the AWS: rePost page.

    If the client thinks the log is from the RTO, please ask for more details such as:

    • more log messages
    • Which API that the client use (WebSocket or RTSDK?)
    • If the client uses RTSDK, is it EMA or ETA? which edition (C#, C/C++, Java)?
    • Any replication steps?
    • snippet of code
    • etc
  • Hi wasin.w

    • Which API that the client use (WebSocket or RTSDK?) --- RTSDK
    • If the client uses RTSDK, is it EMA or ETA? which edition (C#, C/C++, Java)? --- EMA



    +91 84388 47433

  • Hi wasin.w,

    We are still facing API Throttling issue with intermittent frequency. Could you

    please help us here, as it's a major concern leading to data loss.



    +91 84388 47433

  • Hello @jayanthi.pathrasamy

    About the log message

    PutLogEvents API responded with error='ThrottlingException', message='Rate exceeded'\n","stream":"stderr",

    Based on my knowledge, the error='ThrottlingException', message='Rate exceeded'\n" log does not look like the Refinitiv Real-Time error message. It looks like the exception message generated by the AWS services (like Lambda, etc).

    The "PutLogEvents API" is also the Amazon CloudWatch API log (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatchLogs/latest/APIReference/API_PutLogEvents.html), not the EMA API log. The EMA API (and RTSDK) does not have the PutLogEvents API.

    The EMA API (and RTSDK) does not connect or send any request to the AWS CloudWatch service. It connects to the RTO (which is Refinitiv's ADS on the Cloud) only.

    I am assuming that you are using the EMA and AWS SDK in the same application. If so, this error log is generated from the code that connect to the AWS services, not RTO.

    I highly recommend you contact the AWS support team or check the AWS Developer Community website.

    I hope this information helps.