How to get the MEANING field of the Enumerated Types Dictionary


We are using the EMA API in order to connect to Refinitiv feed. We want to get the information about the Enumerated Types Dictionary (domainType = EmaRdm.MMT_DICTIONARY, name = "RWFEnum"). In the documentation: (page 71), we see that we are supposed to get the following information: FIDS, VALUES, DISPLAY and MEANING. We saw that if we want a complete information, then we should use the filter EmaRdm.DICTIONARY_VERBOSE.

However, we always receive null values for the MEANING field. We saw that on page 72 (of the same document provided previously), it is written that "Providers do not need to provide [Meaning] (even when verbosity is VERBOSE)".

However, we would like to get this meaning fields, is there a way to get none null meaning?

Thanks in advance,
Marjorie Mercadier.

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    As mentioned in the document, these features are optional in Provider applications including ADS.


    You may need to contact the ADS support team directly via MyRefinitiv to confirm the behavior on ADS.

    To get the meaning field, you can load the data dictionary from the local files instead.

            DataDictionary dataDictionary = EmaFactory.createDataDictionary();
