Encryption connection options

We have a Dev ADS POP wired up for Encryption specifically for a new requirement.

The App that needs to make use of this server is using RFA 8.2.2 but when looking at the API docs, I only see connection options using HTTP/HTTPS.

1. Does RFA 8 only support HTTP/HTTPS?

2. Are there alternative connection options using later APIs?

3. If they have to stick with RFA 8 using HTTP/HTTPS, what additional configuration steps are required on the ADS POP to enable this? My current test ADS POP as the following and this works when testing using testclient

*ads*connectionType : 1

*ads*serverCert : /<path>/cert.pem

*ads*serverPrivateKey : /<path>/key.pem

Many thanks in advance


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    Thakn you for reaching out to us.

    1. Yes, RFA 8 supports encryption via HTTPS. RFA C++ uses WinInet so RFA C++ supports encrypted connections on Windows machines.

    2. The current strategic API is Refinitiv Real-Time SDK. The Refintiv Real-Time SDK supports both HTTP, Socket, and WebSocket when using encrypted connections


    Refintiiv Real-Time SDK C/C++ uses OpenSSL library so you can use encryted connections on both Windows and Linux machines.

    3. Yes, the ADS configurations are correct. For more information, please refer to this Configuring Encrypted Connections on ADS article.